- Animals & Pets
4 Categories / 9 ads - Arts, Food & Entertainment
5 Categories / 7 ads - Boats & Wheels
6 Categories / 8 ads - Builders & Trades
14 Categories / 67 ads - Business, Financial & Legal
7 Categories / 7 ads - Caregiving & Counselling
3 Categories / 8 ads - Childcare
5 Categories / 4 ads - Computers, Electronics, Video & Web Design
5 Categories / 2 ads - Education Services
5 Categories / 5 ads - Fashion & Beauty
3 Categories / 0 ads - General Services
14 Categories / 43 ads - Health, Sports & Fitness
7 Categories / 10 ads - House & Home
6 Categories / 4 ads - Landscaping
8 Categories / 26 ads - Volunteer-Free Services (NOT for trading)
4 ads - Services Needed
13 ads - Clubs and Groups (must be Non-Profit)
15 ads - Lost, Found & Stolen ITEMS
12 ads - Lost, Found & Stolen PETS
23 ads - Places of Worship
4 ads - Public Notices
10 ads - Ride Sharing & Car Pooling
2 ads - Tickets, Gift Cards & Passes
5 Categories / 34 ads
- Okanagan Biz
- BC Biz
- Community
- Jobs
- Beauty & Fashion
- Childcare
- Education
- Employment Training
- Environmental
- Health Care
- Hospitality
- Non-Profit Employment
- Office
- Pets and Farm
- PR and Marketing
- Professional
- Property Management
- Sales
- Seasonal
- Sports & Recreation
- Trades and Labour
- Transportation Industry
- Seeking Employment
- Volunteer Opportunities
- Events
- Business Buzz