Love to sing? This is for you!

Have you ever wished you had an outlet for your singing talent? Do you love to sing? Do you have an ear for harmony?

WHITE SAILS A CAPPELLA CHORUS is one of over 700 choruses of Sweet Adelines International, a worldwide, non-profit organization dedicated to singing four-part a cappella harmony in the women's barbershop style. An amazing group of people, singing real harmony and having real fun!! Our wealth of musical experience and knowledge helps each singer be the best they can be!

If you're looking for a positive outlet after the recent restrictions, singing may be for you! Learn more about the barbershop style of a cappella harmony, enjoy the camaraderie, find out about chorus membership and the audition process. (A successful audition means that you can carry a tune, stay in pitch and sing your part with the three other parts.)

Membership in White Sails A Cappella chorus will provide you with the perfect opportunity to learn good singing techniques, transforming you from a shower singer to a performer!! We welcome all enquiries, and are actively encouraging potential new members to reach out to us.

Please email Margaret at [email protected] for further information
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Address:1423 Vineland Street, Kelowna BC
Kelowna, British Columbia
V1Y 7R9
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