The Valley First Community Endowment fund recently infused $10,900 into the YMCA’s Young Parent Program, providing food, baby supplies and training opportunities for up to 10 at-risk young parents who are attending Kelowna Senior Secondary School while raising their babies. “These teenage mothers are facing housing, mental health, life management and educational barriers,” says Danielle […]

Four local servers have started a fundraiser that connects philanthropy and the restaurant industry. Throughout the month of November participating servers will ‘tip out’ a local charity. Servers will commit to donating a portion of their sales each day for one month, to benefit this year’s chosen charity. The idea stemmed from a local server, Madeleine Swordy, […]

A total of $108,260 in grants is being passed on to 13 charities in the region from the Valley First community endowment, the First West Foundation announced on Wednesday. “Funds will directly support programs or initiatives that contribute to building resilient and resourceful communities,” a news release from Valley First said. The largest sum being […]

The Craftsman Collision Team was busy this Saturday at Save-On-Foods stores in Kelowna and West Kelowna, as they hosted the 9th annual “Together We’re Making A Dent in Hunger” event. “We rely on the generosity of the community to keep our food bank shelves full,” states Sonia Withers, the community ministries coordinator of the Salvation Army. […]

The Home Depot Canada Foundation has given $50,000 to The Canadian Mental Health Association for Foundry Kelowna. The grant is part of The Orange Door Project grant program, which supports repairs, renovations and modifications to accommodations or other support facilities for homeless youth. The money was used to construct the teaching kitchen and resource room […]

For 18 years, Maxine DeHart has taken one day out of her year to serve Kelowna breakfast. This year is no different. Maxine’s 19th annual Ramada Hotel United Way Drive-Thru Breakfast is set for Thursday, Oct. 12. As usual, the breakfast runs from 6 a.m. until 9 a.m. in the Ramada Hotel parking lot. Last year’s […]

A lot of people in one of the poorest parts of the world will be enjoying a meal thanks to the North Okanagan Gleaners. The charitable group that operates out of a building in Lavington recently shipped 1,284,000 meals to Guatemala. Harold Sellers, general manager with the North Okanagan Valley Gleaners Society, is in charge of […]

A local gym will give new meaning to the idea of kicking cancer’s butt next month, when it puts on its annual “Kick Event.” Kelowna’s 9Round kickboxing gym will join with its franchise partners from across North America next month, giving its customers a unique opportunity to make their workout count in a whole new […]

One of Vernon’s biggest charity events of the year has sold out of tickets, well in advance. The Kalamalka Rotary Dream Auction takes place in November but the only chance to get a ticket now is the waiting list, according to a post on the Kal Rotary Vernon Facebook page. Last year, 460 people attended the gala event which […]

Enderby city council has given its support to an ambitious fundraising campaign by the Enderby Fire Rescue Society. The society hopes to raise $600,000 from the community to build a large bay at the south end of the fire hall and a turnout gear room. The proposed bay would fit a larger ladder truck than […]