Be careful with holiday parties
Contributed - Dec 14, 2021 - Columnists

Image: Contributed

With the holiday season here and COVID-19 restrictions loosened, several businesses have brought back their annual holiday parties. For most employers wanting to celebrate with their employees, this party is the first one they have held since 2019.

As in years past, when employers are organizing their parties, a question that often comes up is about their liability if a legal matter arises from the party especially if alcohol is present.

Lawyers Clay Williams and Tanvir Gill discuss the three categories of liability employers should be aware of as they prepare to host their staff either on site at their place of business or at another location. For example, what happens if an employee leaves the holiday party and causes an accident in which other people are injured. Is the employer liable?

As always, send your questions for any business law topics for Williams and Gill to [email protected].

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