Calm kids, resilient families
Contributed - Sep 22, 2021 - People in Business

Photo: Contributed

By Elisa Farr

Spending the last eight years of my life deep diving into restoring my own body, mind and spirit into balance, I have witnessed the huge benefit not just for myself, but the benefit it has had for my kids and family. While offering them bits and pieces of my practice in order to help them manage their own stresses, I began to realize that there was a need to be filled in offering them their own practice in a simple and easy way.

As a mom of six kids, I know firsthand how important it is to equip our kids and families with these time honoured wisdoms and techniques, in conjunction with science based research.

Kids and families face epic levels of stress in their lives and we know, via statistics, that if kids don’t learn the skills to manage stress now, they will carry ineffective coping mechanisms with them into adulthood.

Many kids are challenged by disrupted sleep, tummy troubles, anxiety, lack of focus, fear of the unknown and more. And because we love our kids, we want to see them flourish into adulthood with the skills to manage and thrive through life’s stresses.

Our growth and evolution happen through life’s stresses and struggles, but without the skills to manage those times, life can feel heavy and like it’s spiralling downward. We can equip our kids with tools to use so that as they grow and flourish into adulthood, they don’t get dragged into the spiral of stress and its overwhelming weight. They can learn the tools in this program, so that when life events happen, they are more resilient to its effects and restore themselves back to balance more quickly and easily.

We as adults can learn alongside our children to create more opportunity for bonding with them, create a common vocabulary to share when it comes to the experiences they are having, and honouring those emotions and experiences.

By giving them the mindfulness tools and relaxation practices and making it easy for them to use, we support balanced physical and mental development. Tummy troubles can be eased, focused attention becomes evident, sleeping patterns restore, anxiety lessens, self-confidence grows and much more. The added bonus is that if you are practising with your child, the benefits are available to you too. Even simply being present with your child during the practice, can strengthen your connection with them.

I am elated to have created this program for kids age nine to 12 and their families to use together. Calm Kids, Resilient Families is super easy for you and your kids to use.

Parents and guardians will have some parent-centred info and science to help them more deeply understand how the mindfulness and relaxation works. Then parents, guardians and kids will get some short instructional videos and visuals on how-tos.

Each module will contain a new audio recording that will lead kids—and you, if you want to join in—in a restful practice.

There will be bonus ‘mindful moment’ mini-practices designed to create ‘quick grab’ tools to master in-the-moment emotions and reactions. They can include breath practices, visualizations and movement.

And because families can have full schedules, this program is self-paced, so they can pop on the recording, watch a video at their convenience and do it as often as they wish in the six months of access they will have when they join the program.

I am passionate about putting the tools of restoration and balance into the hearts and hands of all people, especially our kids, so that they may evolve and flourish with poise and confidence.

Alisa Farr is co-owner of Kelowna’s Flourish Sound and Wellness

This column was submitted as part of BWB Wednesdays

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