She's Got the Edge
A light-hearted Q&A with the people who make the Okanagan work

Amandalina Letterio

Contributed - Mar 01, 2021 - Got the Edge

Photo: Contributed

With what business or organization are you involved? Castanet

What is your role with that organization? Reporter

What’s your favourite thing about living in the Okanagan? Being surrounded by mountains, and the active and healthy lifestyle.

If you could have lunch with anyone in the world, who would you choose and why? Oprah, because she overcame odds and adversity to get where she is today.

What’s your go-to happy place? Anywhere with my family. Or simply going for a long, quiet walk.

What are you most proud of? The fact that I am always willing to try new things and my ability to have a conversation with anyone.

What are the top three things on your bucket list? You’ll see 🙂

What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever eaten? Alligator. It was rubbery and it tasted like chicken. I hate chicken—maybe more than I hate alligator.

Latest movie or book? Book: Crime and Punishment, by Fyodor Dostoevsky. I’m going through a ‘classics’ phase. Movie: Christopher Nolan’s Batman series. I watch it annually.

What’s the best gift you’ve ever received? I just love when people spend time with me (Cheesy, I know).

If today were your last day, how would you spend it? With loved ones, celebrating.

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