He's Got the Edge
A light-hearted Q&A with the people who make the Okanagan work

Spencer Brown

Contributed - Sep 04, 2020 - Got the Edge

Photo: Contributed

With which business or organization are you involved? Brown Benefits Agency Ltd.

What is your role with that organization? Group Benefits & Financial Services Broker

What’s your favourite thing about living in the Okanagan? The proximity to mountains and the lake. On any given day you can go for a walk or hike near either while enjoying tremendous views. The Okanagan doesn’t feel too big but has all you need resource-wise. I enjoy the array of recreational activities available and the diverse range of local businesses.

If you could have lunch with anyone in the world, who would you choose and why? Barack Obama. I would try to avoid asking him about the presidency, though. I’d love to pick his brain on the law, writing books, Hawaii and how he became such an impressive orator.

What’s your go-to happy place? Early morning or evening, air brisk, view of or walking alongside Okanagan Lake, walking our dog while listening to a podcast.

What are you most proud of? I’m proud of the family my spouse and I are building. I’m proud to work in a family business with a positive dynamic. I’m thankful to live in Canada.

What are the top three things on your bucket list?
1. Return to London, England, where my spouse and I lived for a year (not now, of course)
2. Confidently emcee or give a speech at a wedding
3. Write a book

Latest movie or book? Business book: Adam Grant’s Give and Take. Non-fiction: Jeffrey Toobin’s The Run of His Life. Movie: Palm Springs.

What’s the best gift you’ve ever received? When one of my grandfathers passed away, I was given a sapphire ring of his. It’s a neat memento as well as my birth stone. I’ve probably worn it only a couple of times. On a lighter note, I was given AirPods a couple of Christmases ago. Life changing convenience!

If today were your last day, how would you spend it? I’d spend as much time with my family as I could. I’d try and squeeze in a round of golf with my dad. I’d drink a lot of coffee. I’d have some sort of open house and invite all the important people in my life. Our dog would get endless treats.

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