Fundraising for felines

Chantelle Deacon - Sep 19, 2017 - Get Involved

Image: AlleyCATS Alliance

A giant book sale will be held in Penticton Saturday in support of local felines.

The AlleyCats Alliance is hosting the event across from the Penticton SPCA, and is currently seeking used books to support their ongoing efforts to rescue, spay and neuter as many cats as possible.

“There is a huge problem with feral cats and feral meaning homeless not necessarily wild but they just have no where to go, they don’t have a home and if we don’t get these cats sprayed and netuered the problem is only going to get worse,” said Cheryl Hubbard board secretary at AlleyCATS Alliance.

The fundraiser, held at 109-2203 Dartmouth Dr. from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. will feature affordable books for purchase.

“For all those people who are still using the archaic method of ink and paper, we are a doing book sale, so we are currently soliciting books for donation,” Hubbard said.

As of June 2017, AlleyCATS Alliance has been able to assist 1,000 cats over the last five years. AlleyCATS Alliance is a registered charity dedicated to providing rescue, rehabilitation, medical care, and adoption to feral and orphaned cats and kittens throughout the Okanagan.

“We are the voice of cats, who at no fault of their own, are living on the streets,” Hubbard said.

If you would like to donate books and help support the AlleyCats Alliance call Cheryl Hubbard at 250-809-9841.

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