Thanksgiving food drive

Contributed - Sep 14, 2017 - Get Involved

Image: Contributed

The Central Okanagan Food Bank is counting on the continued generosity of local residents to help replenish the shelves.

“This is a desperate call because we are in desperate need,” said food bank executive director Lenetta Parry.

“We ask that each person in the position to help, to please participate in the seventh annual BC Thanksgiving Food Drive, Saturday, Sept. 16.

“This year’s food drive comes with an added sense of emergency. As you know, this year our area has been affected by flooding and fires.

“Our team has been helping evacuees, working with other food banks to ensure the resources are where they are needed, and supporting local agencies.”

Parry says those much-needed efforts have left the local food bank way behind.

Typically, she says, the Thanksgiving food drive raises 40,000 to 50,000 pounds of food.

The goal this year is 150,000 pounds, or 150 apple bins full.

Close to 1,000 volunteers will fan out across Kelowna and West Kelowna early next week, dropping off bags which can then be filled with food for the food bank.

“We ask individuals to provide what they can inside the bag and place the bag on their front porch or doorstep on the morning of Sept. 16.”

Drop off points will also be set up that day at Save On Foods in Orchard Plaza and West Kelowna, as well as Costco. Bags can also be dropped off to the food bank.

Parry says, normally, the food bank’s summer campaigns bring in about 200,000 pounds of food. This year, it’s been half that.

Click here to donate and make an immediate impact.

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