UBCO Earth Day Revolution

Okanagan Edge Staff - May 08, 2017 - Get Involved

Photo: Contributed

Earth Day took place April 22, and The Salvation Army of Central Okanagan celebrated throughout the month of April with the University of British Columbia Okanagan.

As students were leaving the campus after exams, they were encouraged to donate their leftover items. Bins were set up in the dorms throughout the campus.

April 30, The Salvation Army Central Okanagan collected the donations and filled two trucks with household goods, clothing, small refrigerators, shoes and storage items.

“We are blown away by the amount of bags and boxes we picked up on Sunday,” said Communications Coordinator Patty Lou Bryant. “UBCO had all the items boxed and bagged. The Resident Assistants helped us load our truck. However, we had to drop off one very full truck and return with a second truck to collect all the donations.”

It’s likely more than 5,000 pounds of donations avoided the landfill. These donations will be sorted and distributed to Salvation Army stores.

Clothing is our number the group’s highest selling department and they are “so grateful for these donations.”

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