New home for NONA clubhouse

Okanagan Edge Staff - May 04, 2017 - Get Involved

Photo: Contributed

Okanagan Restoration Services bought the NONA clubhouse at auction Saturday night as part of the fundraising event Bollywood Bang.

The float, designed and constructed by Nancy Wilde and NONA volunteering, took more than 500 hours to build and has been used to promote a community initiative called Build the Clubhouse.

The campaign is underway to construct a new $1.6 million facility for children with special needs. NONA Child Development Centre provides services in the North Okanagan to more than 700 children and youth with special needs and their families each year.

The increasing number of children and youth who are diagnosed each year with Autism Spectrum Disorder is driving the need for more space and more appropriate resources.

“The NONA project is so vital to our community, we love to support community initiatives that help our most precious resource our children,” said Kelly Moorhouse, ORS co-owner.

Plans are underway to repurpose the play house potentially as a new company parade float.

Okanagan Restoration Services is a full service family owned disaster restoration company operating in the Okanagan Shuswap region, with offices in Penticton, Kelowna and Vernon.

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