Fundraiser for AlleyCATS

Photo: Deborah Pheiffer
Cat lovers of all ages showed up for a special fundraising event in Penticton on Saturday
It was all part of the book release party for Mewsings, A Purrfect Journal, and art show, featuring works from the book, to raise funds for AlleyCATS Alliance,
“It’s extremely exciting and it’s so heartwarming to see this come to fruition,” said Aja Jackson, project manager for the journal. “And I am pleased with the good turnout.”
The book, featuring artwork and writing by local seniors, youth and artists, was available for purchase at the event with 100 per cent of the sales going to AlleyCATS.
On Saturday people were invited to meet and greet the artists behind the book, enjoy refreshments and hear a few readings from the journal in a room at the Shatford Centre
Okanagan Falls resident Janice Goodman contributed two paintings and two writings to support the charity.
“I believe in cat rescue,” she said. “There are too many feral cats that aren’t helped and AlleyCATS is very good at helping.”
Jean Donnelly of Summerland did artwork, with her granddaughter Faith writing an accompanying poem.
“I did it because my kids love cats,” she said. “And I think it, (the journal), is beautiful. It’s so wonderful that so many people got involved.”
Student Linnea White, 8, of Okanagan Falls drew a picture of her cat Chill, because she likes creating pictures of cats, while fellow student Trace Cobb drew a picture of a random cat because he wanted to be in the book.
This was the first ever book launch fund-raising event for the Okanagan charity which is dedicated to providing rescue, rehabilitation and medical care and adoption to feral and orphaned cats and kittens.
After Saturday’s sale, the journal will be available at other locations in Penticton.
For more information, go here , or visit the AlleyCATS Alliance Facebook page.
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